Saturday, April 20, 2013

First, we must understand that a forum is created to obtain opinions on
a particular topic; has a general theme that guides each proposed specific debate. An online forum allows the administrator to define multiple subforums site on a single platform, which act as containers starting discussions users.
Of course, other users can answer and begun in discussions or start a new, as they see fit. Internet forums can be classified into those requiring register to participate and those which can provide anonymously.
In the first type, users choose a nickname, which will associate a password and probably an email to confirm your desire to join the forum. Typically, members have certain advantages, like being able to customize the appearance of the site, posts and profiles.
Some users could obtain privileges in the forum, and then they are called moderators.
These privileges may include the ability to modify messages outside, move or delete discussions, and other mechanisms designed to keep the cordial and friendly (regulations designated by the administrator).
One of the main features of Forums is that we do not know many facts
on the "forum user" (a person who participates in it). Generally, simply enroll providing a nickname (alias, nickname, username) and an e-mail, which, inclusive, may have been created for the sole purpose of participating in a forum and keep total anonymity.
Now we define quite precisely the forum, we are able to understand the
assertion of the title of this section. That is, the passage of the Community Forum Manager Manager.
As a first step, the administrator is circumscribed to this area, while community members, together or separately, may be interacting in other Spanish services without the administrator knows or somehow part. From this point of view, the claim that is made is that the forum can be part of the community, but not the community.
The forums have been very useful before the advent of social networks, and we highlight the advantage they had in terms of management participation and the possibilities of centralization on particular topics. But is it correct to speak in past Forums? Probably the reader to participate in one or more and is in total disagreement with the verb tense used, but it is undeniable that participation has declined markedly, and at the time of creating communities, forums should not be the first alternative that comes to mind to a Community Manager.
Today, we can create our own social network, using free tools
are offered on the Web or other more professional, while not free, are priced
more accessible, such as Ning.
The big difference, then, between a manager and discussion forums Community
Manager is that the former is responsible for that area only, while the CM can be an administrator manage parallel forums and all other areas where you think you are your community ..

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